Monday, May 26, 2008

A book for the Not so Dumb..........

If you think you know the basics of programming, and have ample time to learn a new Programming Language then checkout this book.........

Author(s):Francesco Balena (Wintellect) 

With at-least of 1600 pages covers the whole of Visual Basic .net. A good reference book if you are a student or any professional who needs to get the new generation of Microsoft Certification. It takes a Bottom-Up approach, initially dealing with the .Net framework itself, covering the various aspects of a programming language like Variables, Loops, Condition statements, Modules, Control flow and so on.

In the second part Object Oriented Programming (OOP's) concepts are explained in a detailed and in a concise manner, and covers Overloading, Overriding, Events, Constructors and Destructors and similar OOP's concepts . The third part again deals with the .Net framework in a detailed manner covering topics such as Boxing and Un-Boxing, Serialization, Threading and similar topics. Basics of using and developing applications using Windows Form is covered up in the fourth part.

The fifth part is dedicated to Databases i.e. and deals with using databases with in Connected and Disconnected mode and also XML related topics.  And the last part deals with programming using

Overall this book is a must read for any one who wants to learn programming from the ground-up to the expert level.

Image Courtesy: Microsoft

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